Christian Counseling

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Finner-Williams Christian Counseling
Ministry, Inc.


What is Christian Counseling?

Christian counseling is making use of practices, models, and techniques that allow for Jesus Christ centered counseling.  This means that the core belief of the Christian counselor is that true and lasting healing comes from God through Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the goal of the Christian counselor is to help their clients (counselees) develop healthy relationships with God through the knowledge of Jesus Christ, instructing them in the "how to's" of appropriately applying the Word of God (The Holy Bible) to their daily lives.  Specifically, to their issues of challenge that are presented in the counseling setting.

Who is considered a Christian Counselor?

Psychiatrists, psychologists, professionally trained counselors, social workers, mental health workers, pastors, church leaders, lay counselors, and those designated by their particular church denomination or organization of involvement, as counselor to others.  They have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives and live accordingly.

The mission of the Finner-Williams Christian Counseling Ministry, Inc. is:

  • to provide affordable and free Christian counseling and mental health services on a sliding fee schedule to those who lack medical insurance and financial resources.

  • to aid the Christian counselor (pastor, lay leader, lay counselor, deacon, elder, church mother, etc.) in his or her mode of service to others.

  • to work in conjunction with other Christian counseling organizations in building bridges between the African-American community and the Caucasian and other communities of America to foster unity in service provision.

  • to provide an avenue whereby Christian counselors can share their expertise with and provide training for the larger Christian body as well as with one another.

  • to provide opportunities for conflict resolution within the African-American and other Christian communities of America.

  • to provide a listing of Christian counselors throughout America to serve those who are seeking culturally sensitive counseling and therapy.

  • to clarify the role of the Christian counselor, particularly in the church setting and in non African-American settings.

  • to initiate opportunities for discussion amongst Christian counselors to explore desired roles and positions within the church.

  • to provide opportunities for open discussions of racial reconciliation between African-American counselors and Caucasian counselors as a means by which spiritual unity can be visually demonstrated.

  • to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic models to assist those that counsel African-Americans.


Training Retreats

Married Couples Ministry
"Marital Secrets: Enhancing Romantic Christian Marriages"
Singles Ministry
"Single Wisdom: Developing The Character of Wise Single Christians, Maidens and Bridegrooms"

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The Finner-Williams Building
17620 West McNichols Road
Detroit, Michigan 48235
313.537.1000 - Fax 313.537.0363 - Toll Free 888.955.5055
Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 11/07/05